Beware Of Coronavirus Scammers

A Krewe of TIX  Reminder:

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Louisiana urges the public to remain vigilant for coronavirus fraud:

• Anyone selling fake testing kits, treatments, or cures for COVID-19

• Websites seeking donations for illegitimate or nonexistent COVID-19 charities

• Fraudulent phone calls from individuals posing as health insurers seeking personal information

• Phishing emails from entities posing as the CDC or WHO, which may contain malware

• Robocalls offering medical supplies with no intent to deliver

• Websites claiming to provide stimulus funds when consumers input their bank information

• Fraudulent medical billing for procedures related to COVID-19

• Threats to public officials advocating quarantines

• Hoarding or price-gouging of necessary supplies

• Threats to intentionally infect individuals with COVID-19

To report suspected coronavirus frauds:

Call 1-866-720-5721 or

send an email to:

For more information, visit: