National Oyster Week Baby – 8/9/2021
Celebrating National Oyster Week. P & J Oysters here in New Orleans, America’s oldest oyster house and the very best oysters on the planet.
Edwin Edwards Passed Away – 7/12/2021
Baton Rouge – Edwin Edwards, former congressman and four-term governor of Louisiana has passed away.
According to his biographer and family spokesperson, Leo Honeycutt, Edwards died this morning, July 12 at his home in Gonzales surrounded by family and friends.
Honeycutt says Edwards died of respiratory problems at around 7:00 am at the age of 93.
“I have lived a good life, had better breaks than most, had some bad breaks, too, but that’s all part of it,” Edwards reportedly said. “I tried to help as many people as I could and I hope I did that, and I hope, if I did, that they will help others, too. I love Louisiana and I always will.”
The always colorful and flamboyant Edwards, placed himself into hospice care after complaints of pain in his right lung. Tests by doctors revealed nothing out of the ordinary.

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