2020 Outbreak Information For You
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Stay at Home Order For Louisiana
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards: “Today, I am issuing a statewide Stay at Home order that goes into effect at 5 p.m. Monday, March 23, to further fight the spread of COVID-19 in Louisiana, as the number of confirmed cases is now more than 800.”
BATON ROUGE – A statewide ‘Stay at Home Order’ for Louisiana will begin at 5 p.m. tomorrow. The shelter in place order closes more businesses and enforces a stricter form of ‘social distancing,’ asking people to stay at home unless absolutely necessary. He says, “Be a good neighbor and follow the guidelines.” There has been no state curfews issued.
Governor John Bel Edwards
Today, I am issuing a statewide Stay at Home order that goes into effect at 5 p.m. Monday, March 23, to further fight the spread of COVID-19 in Louisiana, as the number of confirmed cases is now more than 800.
We have taken aggressive measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve; however, this is not enough. As our number of cases continues to grow, I am directing all Louisianans to stay at home unless it is absolutely necessary for you to leave.
I am implementing this measure to help prevent you from becoming infected or infecting someone else. People can leave their homes to do essential things like buying groceries or food, pick up medicine or go to work only if their job is essential.
If you have to go out, make sure you practice social distancing measures and keep 6 feet between you and the people around you. People are encouraged to go outside and to stay active during this time, as long as they practice social distancing.
This order is not something I take lightly, but it is necessary to protect the health, safety and well-being of our people, our communities and our way of life. #lagov
WTIX Restaurants Now Serving To Go
Here’s a partial list of the 94.3 WTIX family of restaurants open for pick-up, curb-side and/or delivery:

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